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Dementia is an umbrella term encompassing many different conditions that affect the brain, changing a person's thinking, processing, understanding, memory and physical abilities, among others.

Every person who is living with dementia will present differently. Research shows that continuing to exercise when living with dementia can help reduce the risks of falling, reduce muscle wastage and prolong functions of the brain and body. Dual tasking is an excellent way to challenge the brain and body in the early stages of dementia, benefiting brain and body function.

Parkinson's Disease


PD is a neurological disease that affects the basal ganglia found in the centre of the brain. Evidence shows that early intervention through diagnosis, medical support and exercise can help a person with PD reduce their chances of falling and help to prolong function and ability to do every day tasks.

Often people with PD will have difficulties with walking, grip strength, balance, fatigue, urinary urgency and much more. Practising large and fast movement exercises are a great way to promote and maintain muscle mass and balance in PD, check out PD warrior exercises online for some ideas. 

Freezing can be a very disabling symptom of PD, but there are lots of strategies to overcome this, such as counting and listening to music.



A stroke is an event which occurs in the brain and damages cells of the brain irreversibly.

Every person who has had a stroke will present differently. Common long term results of stroke are muscle weakness, reduced mobility, poor balance, fatigue, confusion and more.

It is important after having a stroke that you find the right care tailored to your needs. This may be fatigue management, strength and balance building, assistance with returning to activities.

Memory Cafes & Groups

Gardening services

* Hannah Snowdon's Gardening Services

        - 07951 022476

(Local, friendly, efficient and supportive help for your gardening needs)

Animal services

* Abbie's Animal Behviour and Training


   - 07572 488675

(Excellent local dog training, dog walking and animal support provision)

Fire services

* Book a home fire safety assessment today using the link below.

   - Fire and Rescue Service - Cornwall Council

Podcasts I enjoy

* Dementia Untangled - Banner Health


* The MDTea Podcast - The Hearing Aid Podcasts


* Dementia Matters - Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center


* Parkinson's Warrior Podcast - Dr Michael Hyland


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